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Bible Reading Guide

I have hidden your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you. Psalm 119:11

Dear Friends,

If you take the total number of pages in your Bible and divide it by 315 days (excludes Sundays), you’ll see that you’ll only need to read 5-6 pages of Scripture to make it all the way through the Bible in one year! For example, if your edition of the Bible has 1,760 pages, that’s 5.6 pages per day - Round up to 6 pages per day. 

A creative way to read the Bible through is to read it alphabetically, starting with the book of Acts and ending with the book of Zephaniah. Doing this will move you from Old Testament to New Testament and mix up your reading to keep you fresh each day. Remember the goal isn’t ultimately to finish the Bible or keep up with the reading plan. The goal is to allow the scripture to speak into your life, to shape your thinking, your desires, your values, and your approach to challenges and opportunities. The goal is for you to know God more intimately through Jesus Christ and to live in partnership with him. May God bless you as you seek to know Him more through His Word.

Click below to get started with our Bible Reading Guide for 2024!