If you are in your 20s and 30s and are married, single, or otherwise, we have a ministry just for you!
Are you longing for connection? With other singles and married people in your age range? With those in your sphere of influence? Ultimately with God?
Have you ever wondered what determines success? Have you ever wondered what brings joy, and peace in a person’s life? It is not found in money, status, or fame. Joy, Peace, and ultimately success is determined by 1 thing - Healthy Relationships!
Life is all about Relationships! If your Relationships are toxic and unhealthy you will be miserable in this life. It doesn't matter what car you drive, what house you live in, or how big your bank account is. If your relationships are in turmoil, you will be unhappy!
At Crosspoint, we are committed to helping people grow. God wants you to grow! God did not create you to stay where you are. In this new ministry, we are going to look at Healthy Relationships through a biblical lens. We are going to look at Relationships between: You & your co-workers, your boss, your kids, parents, spouse, and most importantly, your relationship with Jesus Christ.
We do not what you to just survive this life. WE want you to “Thrive”! Join us!