Creation Basics - a Biblical Worldview Class

Mondays at 6:30pm Starting Nov 4

Join us! – Creation Basics Class will Explore Biblical Worldviews in Today’s Most Culturally Relevant Topics:

· Is Genesis True History?

· Were Adam & Eve Real People? Genetic Evidence Proves it!

· How Science Supports the Bible – Evolution vs Creation Worldviews

· Origin of People Groups – Tower of Babel – Civilizations

· Dinosaurs and the Bible – Dinosaur Soft Tissue

· Genesis Flood - Scientific Evidence – Lake Missoula Flood

· Age of the Earth

· Adam not Apes – Made in His Image

Come and enjoy, with host Stacey and Mike Mueller (BS, MS), President, Institute for Biblical Authority as we develop a strong Biblical Worldview together. This semester we will study Creation Basics by Institute for Creation Research with various topics relevant today from a Biblical Perspective. Mike will teach along with leading scientists and experts in these fields and disciplines. All of the support for evolution and ape to man evolution has today been proven false and you will come out of this class with a foundation to understand the truth that science and the evidence supports God’s Word like never before. Science has not disproven the Bible, just the opposite. This important video series and lectures will build confidence and a foundation in your Christian Faith to re-establish and strengthen a Biblical Worldview (Ephesians 4: 14-15). We will help you mature in your faith and understanding to give a reason for the hope that is in you (1Peter3:15). Do not miss this exciting opportunity and discussion.

For Teens-Adults. Mondays 6:30-8 PM, Crosspoint Church, Missoula, MT. For more information contact Mike Mueller, 406-531-8297.

No Childcare offered.

*Class meets every Monday at 6:30pm