Class 201b - Creation Basics

March 29 @ 8:30am

Join us for this fast-moving multi-media short course Saturday morning. We will discuss the importance of the Biblical Creation account in Genesis Chapters 1-11 to equip you with answers Christians should have for many culturally relevant topics discussed today. To strengthen your faith and give you a better Biblical Worldview foundation we will discuss fascinating topics and questions like the following:

· Is Genesis True History? How does the Gospel begin in the Creation account?

· Were Adam & Eve Real People? Genetic Evidence Proves it!

· How Science Supports the Bible – Evolution vs Creation Worldviews

· Does evolution and deep time fit into the Bible?

· Human origins - People Groups – Tower of Babel

· Dinosaurs and the Bible – Do Dinosaurs prove evolution and old earth

· Genesis Flood – Geology – Fossil Record - Scientific Evidence

· Age of the Earth

· Adam not Apes – Made in His Image

Proclaiming Jesus as Creator, Savior, and the Gospel…A Creation Basics text will be provided to participants.

Come and enjoy, with host Mike Mueller (BS, MS), Vice-president, Institute for Biblical Authority as we develop a strong Biblical Worldview together. You will come out of this class with a foundation to understand the truth that science and the evidence supports God’s Word like never before. Science has not disproven the Bible, just the opposite. We will build confidence and a foundation in your Christian Faith to re-establish and strengthen a Biblical Worldview (Ephesians 4: 14-15). We will help you mature in your faith and understanding to give answers to share the reason for the hope that is in you (1 Peter 3:15).

Do not miss this exciting opportunity and discussion. For Teens-Adults. Crosspoint Church, Missoula, MT.

For more information contact Mike Mueller, 406-531-8297.

“Test all things, hold on to that which is true.” 1 Thessalonians 5:21