Dylan and Renee Wyman

Tuesdays at 6pm

Hi, we are Dylan and Renee Wyman! We are 37 years old, have been married since 2008 and have 6 kids (ages 15, 14, 11, 8, 5, 4). Dylan owns a construction company and Renee stays at home with our kids. This is our 8th year of homeschooling and we have a great passion for raising our little disciples up to be God honoring and fearing men and women. Family time is very important to us and we also love to invest our time into other families!

Our life group is for all ages and family friendly! We'll do dinner and fellowship together, go over sermon notes, watch different video series/short sermons, have discussion, and prayer time.

Life Group Location: 11283 Mink Court, Missoula MT

This study group is open to all ages. Family friendly!

Dinner provided.

We will have a sign up sheet so each family can choose a date that they can bring the main dish. Sharing this responsibility will hopefully make it so you only make a dish every month and a half to 2 months!

Childcare Provided! Please RSVP if you need childcare.

*Life Group meets every Tuesday at 6pm